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We work with your teams to understand your specific challenges, the dynamics in play, and the possible areas of intervention.


We look for places where the energy flow is constrained or blocked as well as areas of imbalance.

We make recommendations for a strategy and a plan of transformation.

Education & Training

We help your teams acquire the skills and tools useful in your transformation journey.

Here are some examples of the experiental training programmes we provide :

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Mediation & coaching

Challenging relationships can sometimes stand in the way of effectiveness and performance.


We can facilitate difficult conversations and help you manage conflicts, while giving you the methodologies, tools and support to develop the skills to manage similar situations in the future.


Some of your colleagues may need a temporary support to overcome a particular situation or gain confidence as they take extended responsibilities. This may particularly be the case for managers who can sometimes feel lonely, caught "between a hammer and a hard plate" : additional expectations on them and the day-to-day reality of their teams.


We can help individuals gain a different perspective on their situation, connect with their resources, positively transform difficult emotions such as frustration, powerlessness, or fear, and overcome the challenges ahead of them.

Guidance in the Transformation

Cultural transformation is a complex and challenging undertaking.


  In many ways, the process is not linear : there are many uncertainties, surprises and ups and downs along the way.

We can accompany you and act as your "sherpa" in your journey.


Based on the diagnostic and mutually agreed areas of intervention, we can provide you with a process as well as the necessary background, expertise and hands-on support to help you and your teams reach your transformation objectives.

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